25 September, 2007

Going Fractal

I know that the header sort of explains the concept of going fractal, but there is a lot more to it than that. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to make a difference. Sure - everyone makes a difference, but in my mind it has to be something big. Something that makes people go "This guy really did it". I guess it is like an obsession, however you want to define that word.

So, how is this done? Well, there are several possibilities, if you look at history and see what people have made a difference. I think that anyone who has a passion for something will end up changing the world. The change is not always based on goodness, but I believe that every change is necessary for us, at the time when it happens. You often read about artists who are now very well-known, but were unknown (as it were) while they were alive. They did what they liked doing, and they ended up making a difference after they had passed on. The phrase "such-and-such died a pauper, but now their art is selling for millions of whatevers" seems to sum up that we as humans are slow at appreciating nice things, and we attach way too much importance on the monetary value of a person.

But, as has been said - if you can't beat them, you may as well join them. Depeche Mode summed it up very nicely in "New Dress" (1984):

You can't change the world
But you can change the facts
And when you change the facts
You change points of view
If you change points of view
You may change a vote
And when you change a vote
You may change the world

This can obviously be interpreted at a lot of different levels, but I chose to look at the positive aspects of it when I first heard it. So, to make a difference on a big scale, you can't start on the big scale (so to speak). You have to start with small things that end up growing. And you have to do it in a way that fits with the way our society is currently structured.

On the big scale, no-one cares about anyone else, and all that matters is how wealthy you are. On a smaller scale, people do care about each other, but not enough to make a big difference. It is necessary to break people out of the "Big Scale" way of thinking. And, it seems that the only way to do this is to first become wealthy, and then make everyone else around you wealthy as well... then they will listen to the message you really want to convey to them.

As humans, we are essentially sheep. We will wait for someone to stand up and tell us what to do. And we will do it. I don't see myself as a sheep, but I am just noting my observations. And that is important, because if you are not a sheep, then you are a leader, and sheep get very very confused if there is more than one leader - especially if one of the leaders doesn't have a plan. And I don't have a plan as such - because I don't like to impose my ideas on anyone - even if I know they are good.

So, the idea is to slowly disseminate my ideas to people around me, who may or may not pass them on. They may even label them as their own - I don't really mind, because in the end, when everyone thinks the way I do, then I know I have won :-D :-D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The sly mans way to world domination... ;)
As mantioned in my entry the wildfire that was the red t-shirt friday in sympathy for the Burmeese protests was to me fractalism in action...we recived one sms here sent it onwards to somethng like 30 (including my therapist who was happy to participate) and then the same thing happened at facebook... Wearing a red top might not change anything but I do belive iin the power of possitive energy... And to my understandiing that's really what the fractals are all about... getting thoughts ie energy in motion... and eventully something will change... Hat of to you for sharing and spreading this (and introducing and explaining it to me)...
Tack för orden du lämnade hos mig och givetvis skulle jag vilja läsa vad du skrivit (hur du vill förmedla det bestämmer du min mail finns på forumet, annars är det samma som bloggaddressen på gmail)!
Vad gällde Qwen Wilson så var det som talade till mig en koppling till en av de stora aspekterna till min egen skapande förlamning. Att känna det som att man har ett kunnande och kanske t.o.m lite talang men man känner att man inget har att säga ingenting av värde eller som inte andra sagt bättre tusen gånger om... Som du säger Owen är en bra komiker (gillar speciellt det han skriver tillsammans med Wes Anderson) men att trots att man kan nå folk (i alla fall mig) med sin kreativitet att få en yttre uppskattning i form av framgång men ändå känna en brist i livet stor nog för att försöka avsluta det i förtid... Jag vet inte vad hans själ var för att göra det han gjorde men det kändes lite betryggande att någon som man respekterar kände samma avsaknad av livslust som jag brottas med nära nog dagligen... Må han liksom jag krya på oss...
Tack igen för att du tänker på mig och nog både tänker och undrar jag över dig med...
Christopher Julian